New Head Teacher for Teanassie and Tomnacross

Mrs Josephine Offord, currently Head Teacher at Carrbridge Primary School, has been appointed Head Teacher of Teanassie and Tomnacross Primary Schools.

Mrs Offord, who takes up her new post on 17 August, will manage both schools and her post is non-teaching. 

Mrs Offord started her teaching career in Argyll and was Head Teacher of Barcaldine Primary School before moving to Highland.
At Teanassie, she succeeds Mr Gerry McKenna who has moved to the United States and at Tomnacross she succeeds Mr Graham Bell who retired last August.

Ms Jillian Kean, Depute Head Teacher at Dalneigh Primary School, will be Acting Head Teacher at Carrbridge until such time as a new Head Teacher  takes up post.

7 Jul 2009