Johnston Revisited - A Photographic Exhibition

The Wick Society have put together an extraordinary exhibition of some fifty images from the Johnston Collection, now showing in the St Fergus Gallery, Wick. The images were printed on a new large format A1 printer obtained recently by the Wick Society with grant aid from Awards for All and the Highland Council Culture Fund. The original photographic plates were made by three generations of the Johnston family between the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

The exhibition opened with a private viewing for Wick Society members and friends and other guests on Friday July 3rd. After introductory remarks by Wick Society Chairman Donald Sinclair, the exhibition was formally declared open by Highland Councillor, Bill Fernie. Over one hundred guests attended to view the fifty images displayed.

The exhibition features many iconic images of Wick Harbour and the herring fishing from the early days of sail through to the steam drifter era. Fishermen and fisher lasses can be seen hard at work as well as their barefoot children playing in car free streets. At the other end of the social scale groups of cricketers, tennis players and cyclists pose at their leisure.

Outside Wick a range of images from around the county and Thurso illustrate aspects of country life as well as activities such as the flagstone industry. A storyboard describes the Johnston family history from earliest days plumbing in Wick through to the last Johnson photographer who still lives in Wick and will be one hundred years old later this year. The contribution of the Gaelic speaking community to the Wick fishery is recognised in a special storyboard presented in English and Gaelic.

The Exhibition runs until August 1st. Opening hours Mon, Tues, Thurs 1 to 5pm; Fri 1 to 8pm; Sat 10am to 1pm. Admission is Free (donations towards the gallery are welcome). Please note this exhibition is on the first floor and there is no lift.

9 Jul 2009