Inverness tenants commended

Members of Glendoe Terrace Residents’ Association, Inverness, have been commended by The Highland Council for winning a national award - the Frances Nelson MBE Award 2009 -  for outstanding achievement by a voluntary group in improving their local environment.

The tenant participation group were chosen from 18 groups in Scotland for the award, which is run by the Tenants Information Service (TIS).
TIS are the organisation, which the Council employed on behalf of residents at Glendoe Terrace to carry out a tenant survey that brought about a major refurbishment programme for the six blocks of flats there.

 Before the survey, the flats were under threat of being demolished. The results persuaded the Council to embark on a £3 million programme of major improvements to the homes over the next five years. Windows were replaced this year and in further phases, other improvements will be made, including new heating systems.

Depute Provost Councillor Peter Corbett and Residents’ Association chairperson, Dawn Beaton, presented certificates to members of the association at a reception held at the Town House.

Councillor Corbett commended the association for their success at the TIS awards and for being a flagship tenant participation group. said: “Under the leadership of Dawn Beaton, the residents have worked really hard to persuade the Council that the best way forward for the flats was a major refurbishment. They deserve a huge amount of credit for what they have achieved in representing the views of tenants.”

Mrs Beaton said: “It has been a long hard struggle but worth it. We are all looking forward to our homes being brought up to an acceptable standard and made safe. My kitchen is the original one from the 1960s. I’d like to thank my loyal committee members and especially Elaine Duguid, our treasurer. Many times we almost gave up, but like a dog with a bone, we kept going and the rewards are worth all the effort.”


10 Jul 2009