Ecorider Set ForExpansion

The Nairn-based engineering firm Ecorider, which specialises in the production of a two wheeled off road work bike, is set for expansion with funding support from Highland Opportunity, The Highland Council’s Enterprise Trust. The "Ecorider" is the brain child of Manochehr Salek, who became alarmed at the number of accidents involving quad bikes together with many of the environmental issues facing outdoor industries.

The basic concept of the "Ecorider" is versatility, simplicity, robustness and low cost of ownership coupled with a choice of low fuel consumption diesel and petrol engines and low ground pressure tyres. With their machine, Ecorider have produced a well engineered robust product using high quality components from Global suppliers and assembled in Nairn.

The concept has been evolved over the last 5 ½ years and the company has invested substantially during this time in design, development, tooling and testing to bring it to production. With 100 bikes sold to date and a further 100 on the order books the company is feeling confident.

Company Manager Gavin MacKay said: "The machine’s simplicity is its selling point. It is modular, easy to maintain, can withstand wear and tear in the harshest of conditions and represents value for money."

While the Company intends to manage sales in the North of Scotland, it is developing a network of agents throughout the UK. The first container loads for export will be leaving for the USA, New Zealand and Sweden by the end of this year.

Highland Opportunity Chair, Councillor Sandy Park, said: "The Board were so impressed with Ecorider, the staff and the product that we felt that this was one company really deserving support."

The company received a £30,000 loan from Highland Opportunity. They hope to take on an extra five full-time workers in the expansion, doubling their workforce.


20 Apr 2006