Celebrating Completion of Inverness Resettlement Project

The resettlement of 38 adults with learning disabilities from New Craigs Hospital, Inverness, into their own supported tenancies within the Inverness area has been hailed as a “great success story”.

Councillor Margaret Davidson, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Housing and Social Work Committee, says the four-year phased programme has “profoundly” enhanced the lives of the former long-stay hospital patients.

She revealed there are plans to celebrate the completion of the programme in the autumn.

The objective of the project was to secure affordable care services, to meet and support the needs of each individual in moving into their own homes and have their own tenancies. Each resident is supported to live as full and independent a live as possible.

A major tender exercise was undertaken and in March 2007, the Committee approved a contract totalling £9.69 million over three years, which was awarded to SENSE Scotland.

From the outset, individual and families have been involved in planning for these major moves.  Most of the supported tenancies are new houses which have been built in clusters at Kinmylies, Leachkin, Woodside of Culloden and Smithton.

Councillor Davidson added: “This has been a significant change programme and an excellent example of joint working between the Council, NHS Highland, Albyn Housing Association and SENSE Scotland. The level of commitment and enthusiasm from individuals has been unfailing.

“However, the greatest proof of its success has been in the outcomes that have been observed for the 38 individuals at the heart of the project.  We therefore have plans for celebrations to be held in the autumn to mark this major achievement.”


1 Jun 2009