New Highland Youth Convener Sought

The search is on for a new convener to champion the cause of young people in the Highlands. Applicants for the position of Highland Youth Convener have until mid-day on Wednesday 17th June 2009 to register their interest in the 12-month position, which carries a bursary of £10,000.

Highland’s current Youth Convener, Catriona Burns from Inverness, completes her year in office on 1 September 2009.

The Youth Convener is the sounding board for youth issues in the Highlands and has a direct line into policy makers and decision takers. The post holder  attends Full Council meetings and is a member of The Highland Council’s Education Culture and Sport Committee and Joint Committee for Children and Young People, with full voting powers.

Based at the Inverness headquarters of The Highland Council, the Youth Convener will also work with partner agencies.

Catriona said: “This really has been an amazing experience, which has given me the chance to make meaningful change for Highland’s young people. It’s been an honour to represent them, and it has really broadened my hoizons as to what I may do in the future.”

Catriona’s successor will work with the Council’s Highland-wide Youth Development Team in developing Highland Youth Voice and other initiatives that increase youth involvement in decisions that affect them.  A key requirement is an awareness of issues affecting a wide range of young people and an ability to represent their views. Good communication skills are required as is work experience in youth projects, and the ability to work with and relate to a wide range of people and organisations.

Applicants are asked to write or email in no more than 500 words ‘How you would ensure young people’s views are being voiced at The Highland Council and Community planning partner meetings’, with a CV, and 2 referees noted.

The contact is Audrey Anthoney on 01463 702043, email, The Highland Council, Education, Culture and Sport Service, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness, IV3 5NX,


3 Jun 2009