Homecoming Theme For City School’s Summer Fete

What has Crown Primary School in Inverness’s annual Summer Fete got in common with the Edinburgh Military Tattoo, T in the Park and the Scottish Open Golf Championship?

All of these events will be occurring under the banner of “Homecoming Scotland”.

On the 13th June, like many schools throughout the Highlands, Crown School will be dusting off the garden furniture, erecting gazebos and shaking out the bunting for the annual school summer fete. However, unlike many schools in the Highlands, this year Crown School will be erecting a stage, borrowing a PA system and covering the grounds with Scottish flags and bunting; for in 2009 the school is joining the many celebrations worldwide, to celebrate “Homecoming Scotland”.

The school’s “Fete ‘N Feis” as it is being called, will bring together the many talents of the pupils, teachers and parents as well as those from the wider community of Crown. As well as all the usual favourite fete activities, there will be piping, clarsach and fiddle playing, solo singing, verse speaking and dancing.  There will even be an attendance by the Highland Council Genealogy Service for folk to learn how to trace their roots!

The highlight of the day for many will be the opening ceremony where the highly acclaimed Fiddler, Bruce Macgregor of Blazin’ Fiddles will be cutting the ribbon.

“We are absolutely delighted that Bruce is going to come along and open the event”, said Iris Clarke, chair of the schools parents association (SOCS). “His presence epitomises what the event is all about – a chance to celebrate all that is wonderful about Scotland. I urge all in the community to come along and learn how to sword fight in true highland fashion, or have a go at playing the tin whistle or bodhran at our workshops”.

Crown School has a school roll of 355 with 47 pupils attending the nursery. In the last few years the proportion of pupils for whom English was an additional language (EAL) has significantly increased and is now equivalent to 10% of the roll.

“We are delighted to have an opportunity to participate in “Homecoming Scotland”, said Mrs Cowie, head teacher at Crown Primary. “The children are very excited and looking forward to taking part”.

The parents association was awarded a grant of £150, from Inverness Central Ward’s Discretionary Fund to help fund the workshops at the event.

Deputy Provost Councillor Peter Corbert said:  “We were pleased to make a contribution to what will be a real celebration.  I would like to congratulate all the pupils, school staff and the parent council parents for all their hard work in planning and organising such an impressive event.  I am sure everyone coming along will have a really good time and will take home lots of good memories.”

For more information, contact Noeli Chambers (parent association committee member) on 01463 232741, noelichambers@yahoo.co.uk


3 Jun 2009