Agencies join forces to improve safety and health at Rockness 2009

Revellers attending Rockness 2009 will benefit from a multi-agency approach to health, safety and security.  This year’s festival is expected to attract around 75,000 people over a three day period.

Suzy Calder, Substance Misuse Strategy and Implementation Manager from Highland Drug and Alcohol Action Team (HDAAT) supported the partnership working. She said:  “Rockness 2009 has provided a platform for all multi-agency partners to promote the health, safety and wellbeing of the festival goers.

“In previous years HDAAT have been involved in awareness raising regarding drug and alcohol issues. The cohesive partnership working this year has allowed us to deliver our safety messages as part of a bigger picture which encompasses all aspects of the festival.

“Whilst we encourage all those attending to keep themselves safe, we obviously want them to enjoy themselves and make it a memorable weekend for all the right reasons.”

NHS Highland’s Harm Reduction Co-ordinator John Glenday said: “Rockness is a real opportunity for people to have a lot of fun and to enjoy their favourite music. In the spirit of that I would urge festival goers to take on board the health messages that we have issued, about drugs, alcohol and safe sex, to make sure that they get the most out of their time at the event.

“It’s vital that people remember that they need to eat, to drink water and to make sure that they maximise their fun by dressing appropriately for the weather and applying sunscreen if necessary. Taking an extra few minutes to get ready for Rockness can be the difference between a real party and a total disaster. Personal responsibility is key but to help kickstart this our multi-agency approach has enabled us to provide some free bottled water, water bottles, mini torches, wet wipes, ponchos, condoms and other protection.”

Iain MacKay, Resilience Advisor for the Scottish Ambulance Service added:  “I speak for the British Red Cross and the Scottish Ambulance Service when I say that there are little things that those attending can do to avoid illness and ensure they receive the best medical care if required.

“For example, bringing sufficient prescribed medication and letting your friends know of any medical condition you have can help enormously if you become ill at the event.”

Scott Hay, Area Manager for Community Risk Management section of HIFRS stated:  “Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Service is pleased to be part of a multi-agency partnership approach to this year’s event.

“From a Fire and Rescue Service perspective, we would encourage all those who attend the event to make themselves aware of all on-site fire safety messages and to take care with smoking materials, and when cooking.

“For those planning to cook or use naked flames, for safety reasons you must use the designated cooking areas only and for any outbreak of fire call 999 and notify the event security/fire wardens immediately.  We hope that all those who attend enjoy the event and remain safe.” 

John Lee, Area Environmental Health Manager, The Highland Council, commented: “The Highland Council has liaised closely with the organisers and other partner agencies in all aspects of this year’s event and we look forward to building on previous successes by ensuring a safe, healthy and enjoyable weekend for all.”

One of the improvements the partners have made, in conjunction with the organisers, is the ability to communicate important and useful information through the use of a large screen facing into the campsite area. 

Festival goers will be able to view the day’s weather forecast so they can take appropriate measures, as well as having useful tips to help them stay healthy and safe.

Temporary Chief Superintendent Andy Cowie commented:  “Every year we take points from previous festivals and events around the country to improve the provision of services. 

“We want this to be a safe and secure event for festival goers but everyone must take a level of responsibility themselves.  Taking simple measures such as looking after your property can make a big difference to your weekend.

“I would also like to encourage anyone who witnesses or suspects criminal activity, such as drug dealing, to report it to the nearest Police Officer.”

Police this year are welcoming feedback from festival goers and have set up a dedicated email for anyone wishing to comment on the Policing at the event. 


5 Jun 2009