Blooming Boost For Day Centre

Adults attending The Highland Council’s Bruce Gardens Day Centre are looking forward to spending more time outdoors enjoying their garden thanks to £3,000 from the Inverness West Ward Members.

The donation has been used to make improvements including the purchasing of plants, planters and compost, wood and stakes to create borders, bamboo screening, wood preserves and paint and picnic tables and benches for a new outdoor seating area.

Day Centre Manager Inge MacKenzie said:  “The generous donation allowed us to invest some much needed monies into our garden. A lot of hard work and graft provided by out team on “Ground Force day” transformed a very dull, overgrown and neglected garden into a pleasant, colourful environment much appreciated by our service users.

Local Councillor Alex Graham said:  The money and hard work put in by staff has made a huge difference and I am sure the improved garden area will be a popular place for people to relax and spend time in.”

Visiting the new look garden for the first time Councillor Pauline Munro added:  “I hardly recognised the garden thanks to all the effort to make it a welcoming place to sit in and admire the surroundings.  In the city it is a great bonus to have such a peaceful haven on your doorstep.”


8 Jun 2009