Drink in the atmosphere, go easy on the alcohol at Rockness 2009

In preparation for the North’s biggest music festival Rockness fans are being reminded to stay safe when it comes to alcohol; overdoing it can ruin it.

Last year the event attracted a crowd of around 30,000 people per day.

NHS Highland’s Substance Misuse Co-ordinator and Lead Nurse Dougie Montgomery said: “Last year we saw some people overindulge so much that they ended up in the field hospital and missed the event completely. We want to encourage people to enjoy themselves in a safe way.

“The atmosphere at the event created by the crowds, the music, the open air and the excitement means that it can be easy to get a little reckless. The consequences of drinking too much are well known and the longer term effects on your own health and wellbeing, as well as those around you, can lead to regret.

“It’s important to bear in mind that the weather can also affect how you feel if you’re drinking alcohol. You will have a higher risk of sun stroke and dehydration if it’s hot and of becoming unwell if it’s chilly; your senses will be impaired and you may not realise how cold you’re becoming.”

“We know that alcohol is likely to play a part in some people’s enjoyment of the festival and we would urge them to pace their drinking and know when to stop.

"Looking after yourself includes drinking water and non alcoholic fluids, eating, not mixing your drinks to excess, and remembering that you are in charge of your own personal safety.

“It’s also really important that people stick together and look out for their friends. The festival ground is enormous when it’s packed and it’s very easy to get separated, add alcohol into that equation and you quickly find that some people get panicky and disorientated because they’ve drunk too much”.

Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Service Risk Management Co-ordinator Cathie Way also urged festival goers to make good use of the dedicated food preparation areas and eating outlets.  She added “Cooking and drinking alcohol really don’t mix and we want everyone to have a memorable festival for all the right reasons”

“We’ve adopted a multi-agency approach this year (partnership with NHS Highland, Northern Constabulary, Scottish Ambulance Service, HDAAT, Red Cross, Highland Council, Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Service) to help keep people as safe as possible. Scottish Water have kindly donated 100 water bottles so as festival goers can refill as required and we’ve combined resources to offer free bottled water, contraception, torches and wet wipes throughout the three day period.”

Scottish Water's Communities Manager for the Highlands, Joanna Peebles, said: "Drinking water helps you stay fit, alert and energetic - just the tonic for a lively outdoor event such as Rockness. It's important for festival-goers to keep hydrated so we hope the sports bottles we've donated will be well used. We're proud of the drinking water we make in the Highlands and we'll be delivering a regular supply of it to the Rockness site. The event is good for the Highland economy and we're very happy to support it."


10 Jun 2009