Getting Safely to and from Rockness 2009

Multi agency partners are reminding Rockness festival goers to stay safe when travelling to and from this year’s festival.

The festival will attract up to 25,000 people each day with the campsite opening its gates tomorrow morning until the festival finishes on Sunday, with revellers leaving until Monday morning.

Head of Road Policing Unit, Inspector John Smith, provided travel advice:  “I would ask anyone planning to head to the festival to question their need for taking a vehicle and if so think about when you’re leaving to make sure you are rested and not over the limit to drive.

“There are many buses travelling to and from the event from the bus station in Inverness so I would encourage people to take advantage of this service.

“Driving with any alcohol in your system can drastically affect your reaction time and coupled with tiredness can have devastating consequences.

“We will, as we have in previous years, be taking a robust stance to those driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs”

Inspector Smith also added the following advice when driving to and from the event:  “We have a number of officers working all weekend to reduce the level of disruption to the area, but I would like to remind those heading for the festival that there will be queues as they near the venue and to be mindful that there may be pedestrians walking by the road.”

The Highland Council’s Road Safety Officer Lisa MacKellaich added:  “We urge everyone to think carefully about their travel arrangements for getting to and from Rockness so their journey doesn’t spoil their weekend.  We recommend festival goers give themselves plenty of time to get to and from the site.  Alternative transport options are available but if anyone is planning to drive, we ask them to watch their speed, ensure they are not over the drink drive limit and belt up!  We want everyone to have an enjoyable and safe weekend.”


11 Jun 2009