Spectacular International Flotilla Sets Sail

A visually arresting international flotilla of historic and modern craft were given a rapturous send off today (Tuesday 16th June) as they set sail from Neptune’s Staircase, Banavie, on a five day journey along the Caledonian Canal as part of The Crossing, British Waterways Scotland’s contribution to Homecoming 2009.

Peter Lederer, Chairman, VisitScotland, sounded the official start for the diverse group of characterful boats, which echo the type of boat which could have been seen on the Caledonian Canal since it was first built almost 200 years ago. Mr Lederer and Steve Dunlop, Director of British Waterways Scotland, were joined by Dr Michael Foxley, Leader of the Administration and Councillor Bill Clark of the Highland Council, David Oxley, Head of Operations for HIE Lochaber, Skye and Wester Ross, schoolchildren from Banavie Primary School and members of the public enjoying the shore-side entertainment building up to the official send off.

The flotilla, which includes historic ex RNLI life boats, Canadian Pacific and Grace Ritchie, the only replica of an oar powered Highland Galley, Galley Aileach, old trading boats and striking yachts, will travel the 60 miles from Neptune’s Staircase in Banavie to journey’s end at Muirtown Basin, Inverness, between Tuesday 16th and Saturday 20th June.

The flotilla, along with a series of complementary shore-side and waterborne events for the public along the way at Banavie today; Fort Augustus (12noon-6pm, Thursday 18th) and Muirtown Basin, Inverness (12noon-4pm and evening, Saturday 20th) together celebrate the cultural and historic importance of the Canal to the Highlands. The magnificent Urquhart Castle on Loch Ness will also be a stunning and dramatic setting for the flotilla as it stops awhile on Friday 19th.

Steve Dunlop, Director, British Waterways Scotland, said: “British Waterways Scotland fully supports Homecoming Scotland 2009 and we are delighted today to see our participants, who have travelled from far and wide in a rich variety of stunning craft, set off on a unique journey along this wonderfully scenic and culturally and economically important canal. I’m sure The Crossing will be truly memorable both for them and communities and visitors along the way. Indeed, I am delighted that The Crossing has really fired the imaginations of the communities at Banavie, Fort Augustus and Inverness, where our public events take place, and they are supporting this unique event with their own shore-side and waterborne activities.”

Peter Lederer, Chairman, VisitScotland said: “The Crossing encompasses so much of the essence of Scotland - our heritage and dramatic scenery, the  culture of music and dance, our quality Scottish produce and our spirit of innovation.  The canals are a real asset to Scottish tourism and the Crossing is a great way to celebrate their contribution and our year of celebration for Homecoming 2009.”

Councillor Sandy Park, Convener of The Highland Council, said: “The Council is delighted to support this event through our Cultural Programme.   It will do much to demonstrate the attractions of this historic and picturesque canal route and, at the same time, promote Homecoming Scotland.”

Paul McLaughlin, Chief Executive, Scotland Food & Drink added: “Scotland Food & Drink is proud to be a sponsor of The Crossing. We are delighted that The Crossing is making such a feature of quality Scottish food and drink by hosting a local produce market and chef’s demonstration, and we are looking forward to being involved in such a fine showcase for the very best in Scottish food and drink.”



16 Jun 2009