New Agreement Signed To Create Employment Opportunities

Councillor Carolyn Wilson, Chairman of The Highland Council's Resources Committee,  has signed the Local Employment Partnership Agreement with Jobcentre Plus, which expresses the Council’s commitment to work with Jobcentre Plus to help potential recruits to move from welfare to sustained employment using a number of measures including work trials, work placements, training and mentoring.

Councillor Wilson said:  “I am delighted that this agreement formalises our commitment to give as much support and help to people looking for work as we can and we look forward to working closely with Job Centre Plus to maximise opportunities.  This agreement is just one of the actions we have developed to create a competitive, sustainable and adaptable Highland economy as laid out in our Programme, Strengthening the Highlands."

Jamie MacDonald, Partnership Manager with Jobcentre Plus said: "I am delighted that The Highland Council have signed a Local Employer Partnership Agreement with Jobcentre Plus.  This strengthens the already robust partnership we have with the Council that will help more people back into work.  We must build on this success; together we will do everything we can to ensure that more people can benefit from Local Employment Partnership’s through additional support so that they can get back into employment."


17 Jun 2009