Kingussie Pupils Help Keep Award Winning Memorial Looking Good

Gynack Gardens in Kingussie will be looking in tip-top condition once again this summer thanks to the efforts of Gardener Charlie Young who will be helped this year by pupils from Kingussie High School.

For the past five years The Highland Council’s TEC Services, led by Community Works Officer Richard Porteous and Charlie Young have worked in partnership with the RBLS, Kingussie Branch to enter the Scotland In Bloom Best Kept War Memorial competition.  Each year the entry has performed progressively better and last year it scoped the overall Scottish trophy, the Champion of Champions Award 2008. 

This success was a great achievement for the Gynack Gardens Group which, chaired by Community Development Officer, Ron Mercer incorporates TECS and RBLS, plus volunteers from Kingussie Community Council and Kingussie Business Association, and local youngsters led by Youth Workers, Scott Sangster and Eilidh McLeod. 

It was the commitment and hard work of everyone involved which led to the winning of the Award and following the success ties between local children and the Gynack Memorial Garden were strengthened.  Members of the RBLS gave talks to youngsters about life in the Armed Services and the history of the war memorial while Charlie Young, the gardener gave talks to the young people about the garden.  He also spoke about the gardens on the local radio station which generated a lot of local interest.

This year Rural Skills pupils from Kingussie High School led by their teacher, Ailith Stewart will be working regularly in the gardens as part of their course work, helping the TECS team to maintain the memorial garden.

Head Teacher John Tracey said he was delighted that pupils would be learning new skills and getting lots of practical experience.  “This project is an excellent way for our school to get involved and work closely with the local community.  Whilst working in the garden pupils will be encouraged to learn more about those who gave their lives for our country and I am sure everyone involved, the adults as well as the children, will get a lot from this experience.”


17 Jun 2009