Council keeps Highland young people occupied with summer activities – gnìomhan samhraidh

Parents and carers of young people in the Highlands can now access hundreds of things to do during the school holidays with The Highland Council’s programme of summer activities – gnìomhan samhraidh 2009.

A full listing of events and activities is available on the internet at;  /; and through the council’s website at

Activities have been arranged by secondary school catchment area and take place in school facilities; through Highland libraries; swimming pool and leisure centres; youth facilities and youth development; art and culture venues and with countryside ranger events.

Full activity listings and booking forms are available on-line or they can be collected from local libraries, Services Points, community centres or Council leisure centres.

The array of activities is very wide and provides something of interest to all tastes from sporting activities such as shinty, golf, rugby, Highland games, horse riding and climbing to arts and cultural activities such as drama, t-shirt printing, sand sculpting and ‘blood guts and gore’ stage make up workshops. In many activities the number of places is limited so prior booking is essential to avoid disappointment.
For children who attend Gaelic Medium education a range of activities is being delivered through the medium of Gaelic such as mountain biking, archery and canoeing, gorge walking, fishing and play schemes.

Councillor Bill Fernie, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee said: “I am delighted to see this year that all the summer activities programmes are now available on-line which makes access to this information much more easily accessible for families looking for something for their children to do during the summer holidays. Not only is this move much more environmentally friendly by reducing the amount that we print but it also means that less programmes are lost in schoolbags on the way home. I am sure that families will find this a huge benefit to them to help fill the long summer school holiday weeks with productive activity for their children.”


23 Jun 2009