City School’s Prize For Litter Crackdown

Pupils at Hilton Primary are celebrating after winning an award for cutting down the amount of rubbish being dropped in the school grounds.  To coincide with their anti-litter crackdown, pupils of all ages have been involved in projects to raise awareness and promote a clean and healthy environment.

Head Teacher Ian Kyle said:  “The whole school is delighted to win this award and it is a credit to the hard work and enthusiasm of the pupils. Not only do our school grounds look much better but the projects have given the children the opportunity to look at the damaging effects litter has to wildlife and the environment.  The money will be put to good use as we plan to organise more environmental themed workshops.”

As well as looking after their own grounds the school has also organised two community litter picks within the wider area of Hilton.

Provost Jimmy Gray will visit the Hilton Primary on Wednesday (24 June) to present a shield and cheque during a special school assembly. The award is coming out of money the council has received from issuing fixed penalty fines for littering and fly tipping.

Provost Jimmy Gray said:  “My congratulations go to the staff and pupils for their hard work in making sure their school is litter-free.  One of the most regular complaints that I and my fellow councillors gets is about carelessly thrown down rubbish blowing around and posing a danger to wildlife and creating an eyesore. It really does get under peoples skin. We are lucky that we live in such a beautiful part of the world and every effort should be made to keep our surrounding area clean and tidy.  I think it is very fitting that some of the money we have received through fines is getting used to educate and reward young people for setting a good example we should all follow.”


23 Jun 2009