Highland Young Musicians End Year On A High Note

After a day of intensive rehearsal and performance, six of the eleven entrants for Monday’s Highland Young Musician of the Year took part in the public final.  The judges decision awarded David Bühl, cellist and pupil at Charleston Academy, Inverness the 1st prize and Richardson Trophy for Musical Excellence with Thurso High Schools Erica Sinclair (clarinet) being placed as runner-up.  The ‘Most Promising Talent’ award was given to Hector Waudby-West, a double bass playing pupil from Millburn Academy, Inverness.

The Highland Council’s Music Development Officer, Norman Bolton paid tribute to the dedication of the performers and acknowledged the support of all those involved in supporting their musical education and development.  The event was held at, and generously sponsored by The Drumossie Hotel, Inverness with support from The Highland Council and Friends of Highland Young Musicians.  Norman also thanked the judges for creating a relaxed and supportive atmosphere throughout the day – an important element of this particular competition.

In their closing remarks, the judges commented on how impressed they had been at the high standard of musicianship shown by all the participants throughout the day.   

23 Jun 2009