Influenza A (H1N1) (Swine Flu): Joint Planning Continues within the Highlands and Islands

Issued by the Highlands and Islands Strategic Co-ordinating Group

The Highlands and Islands Strategic Coordinating Group (HISCG) has been regularly meeting to plan for and manage any potential impact of Influenza A (H1N1) within the Highlands and Islands.

There is currently only one confirmed case in the Highlands and this is travel related.

The HISCG agencies are working together, and are continually monitoring and assessing the local, regional and national situation. HISCG is a multi-agency group which consists Northern Constabulary, NHS boards (Highland, Orkney, Shetland, Western Isles), SAS, the Local Authorities, HIFRS, and Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service. 

Chair of HISCG, Chief Constable Ian Latimer said:

"A huge amount of work has been done in recent weeks and months to ensure we are as prepared as we can be to deal with any implications of a pandemic spread of the flu virus. The agencies in the Highlands and Islands have a long history of working together and this mutual support and planning stands us in good stead to respond effectively at a local level."

Dr Ken Oates, Consultant in Public Health, NHS Highland, said:

"The World Health Organisation's (WHO) declaration of a world pandemic is based on geographic spread of H1N1, rather than severity of the virus.  The vast majority of confirmed cases have a mild illness.  There is currently no evidence of community spread of H1N1 (swine flu) in the local Highland population."

"I would like to emphasise the importance of good hygiene in helping to prevent the spread of infection. Practical actions include:

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24 Jun 2009