Update From This Week’s East Sutherland and Edderton Ward Forum

Murdo Mackenzie from the Scottish Government Rural Payments and Inspections Directorate and George Hamilton, The Highland Council’s Natural Resources Manager were guests at the East Sutherland and Edderton Ward Forum, which took place on Monday. (2 March)

Mr Mackenzie spoke about the Scotland Rural Development Programme (SRDP), the EU and Scottish Government funded programme which offers funding opportunities to crofters, farmers and foresters for land management initiatives and for the improvement of their agricultural businesses. The SRDP, which is also the funding behind the LEADER programme, also funds the Rural Priorities programme which offers assistance to rural businesses and community groups. This includes improvements to halls and community facilities and tourism projects as well as community environmental projects.

The SRDP has gained a reputation for being complicated and bureaucratic, and during the Ward Forum the difficulties people have encountered were discussed.  Mr Mackenzie highlighted that plenty of help is at hand, particularly for Rural Priorities projects which are assigned a Case Officer who can assist with the application process. SRDP is under review and a lot of the feedback concerns the need to reduce the bureaucracy involved.

During the Question and Answer session it became clear that there are plenty of good ideas and projects in Sutherland looking for funds.

Councillor Jim McGillivray, who chaired the Forum said:  “I am really keen to ensure that this funding is made available to people in Sutherland. There is no doubt that we have the ideas and enthusiasm.  With a bit of imagination we should be able to help groups and businesses access this funding. I am certainly keen to help people in whatever way I can.”

The Forum went on to discuss a number of local issues raised by Northern Constabulary, Community Councils and the Councillors. Concerns about housing issues, particularly surrounding allocations were raised and Councillor Deirdre Mackay requested that it be the subject of a future Ward Forum. 

Acknowledging that houses are allocated according to need based on an objective points system, Councillor Mackay urged people to let the Council know where the allocations policy appears to be failing local people.  She said, “This is an issue that really concerns the Council. Houses are allocated in line with legislation and government policy. If we are to challenge this we need the evidence to do so.”

The next Forum will take place at 7pm on Monday 20 April in Golspie Community Centre. 


4 Mar 2009