Day Care Provision for Older People in Nairn

The Highland Council’s Housing and Social Work Committee will be asked on Wednesday (11 March) to continue provision of registered day care at MacLean Court, Nairn, for a further six months until the users of the facility are consulted about future service provision and a review of support for older people in Nairn is concluded.

The Council is to engage with the 18 older people who use the communal lounge area of a Council-run housing complex at MacLean Court on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays for day care. Consultation is also to take place with all residents of the sheltered housing at MacLean Court and the staff who work there.  Collaboration with the Highland Community Care Forum local forum will ensure that the views of carers are also considered.

Councillor Margaret Davidson, Chairman of the Housing and Social Work Committee, said: “Taking extra time to consider the future care for older people is designed to achieve an outcome which best meets their needs.

“There is also a review of informal day care services currently underway in Nairn. We will bring together the results of both reviews and discuss them in Nairn with local elected members.”


9 Mar 2009