Early Boost for Scotland's Housing Expo - The Highland Housing Fair

Scotland’s Housing Expo – The Highland Housing Fair has received an early boost with the promise of £15,000 of private sponsorship from Dunfermline Building Society.

The support was announced at the latest meeting of the Housing Fair’s Board of Directors in Inverness, where the fair will be held in the summer of 2010.

Housing Fair Board Chairman Councillor Jean Urquhart is delighted with the confirmation of the sponsorship.

She said: “This is a great indication of the kind of support within the private sector for such a ground breaking project. Dunfermline Building Society are one of the first to come forward showing great foresight to give money and support to the Housing Expo.”

Gordon Campbell of Dunfermline Building Society said: “It is very important for us to support forward-thinking ventures such as Scotland’s Housing Expo. We are delighted to be able to contribute to housing of the future, which will not only benefit people for generations to come, but will also bring economic benefit to Scotland.”


10 Mar 2009