Help Your Community To Find Its Voice

Communities throughout Lochaber will get a second chance to elect representatives to ensure their voices are heard, when another round of community council elections gets underway this week. Last Autumn, six Lochaber communities were unable to form new community councils as not enough people came forward to stand for election.  However, The Highland Council is now about to run the process again in the hope that more people will come forward to ensure their communities’ views are represented across a wide range of issues. 

The communities currently without a Community Council are:  Acharacle; Caol; Corpach (Kilmallie); Inverlochy and Torlundy; Kinlochleven and Mallaig.

Lochaber Wards Manager, Dot Ferguson said:  “Community Councils play a vital role in local democratic decision making by providing a grass roots voice to help inform a wide range of plans and processes.  They are the main statutory bodies which local authorities and many other agencies, including the Scottish Government use to gauge local opinion.  Their views in both consultations and in eg planning applications are invaluable. In addition, many Community Councils develop and run small projects themselves and also help others, in terms of offering guidance and advice in a range of matters. I would encourage anyone with an interest in sitting on a Community Council to come forward for nomination.  It is both an important and very satisfying role.”

Nomination papers are available from Thursday 12 March 2009 from the Returning Officer Dot Ferguson, at The Highland Council, Chief Executive’s Office – Tel: 01397 707231 or e-mail: or from your local Highland Council Service Point.

Nomination papers must be returned to the Returning Officer before 3pm on Thursday 26 March 2009. 

Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council is also running its election at the same time.  Nomination papers for this election are available from each of the village post offices and from the Returning Officer (Moira Tregaskis), St Clement, Lodge Gardens, Spean Bridge.

11 Mar 2009