Praise for Nairn Academy Staff and Pupils

The staff and pupils at Nairn Academy have been commended highly for the way they have rallied round in the wake of recent disruption caused by the closure of seven classrooms on the upper floor of the school. Both The Highland Council’s Director of Education Culture and Sport, Hugh Fraser, and Acting Head Teacher, Douglas Simpson, have commended staff and pupils for their positive response in the face of a significant upheaval at the school over the past two weeks.

In updating the Education Culture and Sport Committee today (Thursday) on the clean up at Nairn Academy, Mr Fraser recognised the significant inconvenience caused at the 800-pupil school after vibration from work on the flat roof caused artex from ceiling panels to come loose and dust and materials to fall on computers, desks and furnishings.

He stressed that the risk of asbestos dust from the artex material that had fallen from the ceiling was minimal.

He said the leadership of the school’s management and teaching staff had ensured the incident had been dealt with as effectively as possible and the good news was that it was hoped that the school would be fully operational following the Easter holidays.

Council Convener Sandy Park and Nairn Provost Liz MacDonald expressed their regret that the incident had happened but added their voices to the tribute to staff and pupils.

Mr Simpson told parents today that arrangements have now been put in place for S1 pupils to attend the former Cawdor Primary School until the Easter break.

Education for pupils in S2 had now returned to full time and he hoped the school will be operating at full capacity after the Easter break – with a refurbished upper school area.

He wrote to parents: “I could not be more proud of the way staff at the school have rallied round with good humour and commitment at a very difficult time for the school.  The pupils, too, deserve great credit for their conduct and attitude during this period of disruption.”

12 Mar 2009