Inspector's positive Report On Kyleakin Primary

Kyleakin Primary School has received a good report from HM Inspectors who recently visited the 30-pupil school. HM Inspectors have stated in their report that overall the school provided a good quality of education for its pupils. Since the start of this year, Kyleakin Primary has shared its head teacher, Mrs Caroline Ross, with Kyle Primary School.

The report says the recent changes in staffing had been well managed and parents were confident that the school was improving. Attainment in English language and mathematics was good, but there was room for improvement. The head teacher and the staff had successfully identified a number of important areas where improvement was required. The school was well placed to build on its strengths and improve further.

While the new head teacher was still developing her role, she provided good leadership. In her short time in post, she had already introduced a number of positive developments.

HM Inspectors also noted that the overall quality of the curriculum teaching was good. They judged the climate and relationships within the school, and partnership with parents, the School Board and the community all to be very good.

The school had many strengths including:

Commitment of the head teacher and teachers to improvement.

Mrs Ross said: "Overall, I am pleased with the report. It describes a happy, purposeful school. The teamwork of all staff, pupils, support of parents and the community are all recognized. The school has undergone many changes in the last twelve months and the report helps us to identify the way forward, to enable us to improve further."

Main points for action were that the school and education authority should take account of the need to:

The school and the education authority have been asked to prepare an action plan indicating how they will address the main findings of the report, and to share that plan with parents and carers. Within two years of the publication of this report parents and carers will be informed about the progress made by the school.

The Area Education Manager, Laurence Young, acknowledged the good work the staff and headteacher were doing and the high quality education given to pupils.

21 Apr 2006