Highland healthy living initiatives sustainability not secured

Joint news release from The Highland Council and NHS Highland

 meeting between The Highland Council and NHS Highland has been unable to confirm long-term funding for the Inverness based healthy living centre Janny’s Hoose and Ross and Cromarty based Healthwise initiative.

Ian Murray, Highland Council’s Head of Community Learning and Leisure said: “We've had a meeting with NHS Highland and sadly are not able to confirm that there is sustainable funding in place and therefore don’t feel the criteria given by the Scottish Government can be met. However, both organisations are keen that the Janny’s Hoose building retains its health related focus.”

NHS Highland’s Head of Health Improvement Cathy Steer said: “NHS Highland and The Highland Council have been working closely to see if we can jointly meet the criteria set by the Scottish Government in order that an application on behalf of the two healthy living initiatives in the Highlands can be made.

“We need to reassure people that whatever happens at least some of the activities that have been offered by the Janny’s Hoose will remain such as smoking cessation sessions and child clinics.

Also attending the meeting were Highland Council’s local administration members, Peter Corbett, Bet McAllister, and Janet Campbell. Councillor Corbet said: “We were aware that sustainability was always going to be an issue and we are disappointed that it looks like we aren’t able to make use of the Government’s funding. However, we are heartened that healthy initiatives will continue to come from NHS Highland, the Council and other partners. We are exploring these options now.”

NHS Highland Chairman Garry Coutts has a meeting with Highland and Islands MSP David Stewart next week to discuss the ongoing situation.

13 Mar 2009