Help ‘Lead’ The Way In Tain And Easter Ross

A Tain and Easter Ross partnership is the latest in line to help community groups in its area tap in to over £300,000 of European funding.

The steering Local Area Partnership covering the Tain & Easter Ross Ward of The Highland Council has drafted a Local LEADER Development Plan for the area and now wants the local community to comment on it.

The steering group is made up from the seven Community Councils in the area, a variety of community groups and local Councillors.

Carol Elliot, Ward Manager, said a lot of work has gone into drafting the plan for the area with the help of many community groups.

“Our plan will inform us of the needs and aspirations of the community and give us an idea of what the priorities are for the area.  The Plan will guide the Local Area Partnership when it considers applications for the Ward’s allocation of LEADER funding so we can work towards achieving those priorities that LEADER supports,” she said.

The Tain & Easter Ross draft Local Development Plan is available at the Tain Service Point, the Seaboard Memorial Hall, and the Community House Milton. or online at
under current documents.

Comments should be sent to Sandy Anderson, Langwell, Achany Road, Dingwall, IV15 9JB.  Tel 01349 863115, e-mail by Tuesday 31st March 2009.

For more information about LEADER go to


17 Mar 2009