HMIE Report - Miller Academy Primary School

Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Education inspected Miller Academy Primary School in June 2005 as part of a national sample of primary education. The report, published today (25 October 2005) identifies key strengths, uses quality indicators to relate evaluations and identifies the main points for action.

As a consequence of the findings, the school and the authority have been asked to prepare an action plan indicating how they will address the main findings of the report.

The HMIE team will return to the school in twelve months time to review progress against the action plan and will undertake a follow-through inspection within two years of the publication of this report.

Recently appointed Head Teacher, Miss Susan Watson, said: "We recognise the need for improvement in areas of our work and this inspection has given us a launch pad to move forward. I am confident that the school is well placed to improve and my staff and I look forward to delivering the required improvements with the support of the Authority."

Commenting on the report, School Board Chairman, Mr Graeme Dunnett said: "Naturally the Board is disappointed with the report, but we recognise that this inspection happened during a transitional phase in the life of the school. However, the Board and I have confidence in Miss Watson and the staff. We shall all be working to address the identified areas quickly and effectively. We look forward to addressing these challenges and anticipate that the follow-through report will be very positive."

21 Apr 2006