Academy Pupils On Form At Forum

A 20-strong group of pupils from Inverness Royal Academy made a strong impression on local community leaders this week.  On Monday the group met with a range of community organisations to put forward their ideas on the services and facilities available for young people in the area.  Organisations represented included The Highland Council, local Community Councils, Northern Constabulary, Action for Children Scotland, Highland Youth Voice and Youth Inclusive.

Norrie Donald, Highland Councillor for Inverness Ness-side Ward, said: “The young people were first class.  They came forward with very positive suggestions about what they would like to see happen, and also about where they are willing to contribute.”

The Youth Forum was arranged at the request of the Ness-side Ward Councillors and the workshop-style discussions were focused on particular areas within the Ward.  Some of the topics discussed were:

• Requests to introduce a variety of weekend activities.
• Identifying places for young people to meet.
• Improving local parks.
• Increasing access to playing fields.
• Addressing transport issues.

The Council Members present are committed to tackling issues raised during the discussions.

Councillor David Henderson said: “I thought the event a great.  It was very useful to hear the perspectives on life for youngsters in the Ward and I’ll certainly be working to address some of the issues that were highlighted. I hope we can do it again soon.”

The Forum was organised by Eilidh Gillies, the Council’s new Youth Development Officer based at Inverness Royal Academy

Fifth year pupil Lucy Laidlaw said: “It was a great opportunity for the younger members of the community to make people aware that we care about what’s going on in our local areas. Hopefully this is the start of a strong link between young people and councillors.”


18 Mar 2009