Winter Opening Hours For Nairn Recycling Centre

The Nairn Recycling Centre is now operating winter opening hours. From November to March 2006 the Recycling Centre will be open Wednesday to Sunday 10.00am – 4.30pm and will be closed all day on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Since the new recycling facility opened at the beginning of August approximately 4000 visits have been made to the site by residents with a total 262 tonnes of being deposited. Approximately 68% of this has being successfully diverted from landfill for recycling which exceeds the Council’s target to recycle 60% of the total waste that is taken to Recycling Centres.

A total of 65 tonnes of garden waste has been taken to the site which will be composted and a further 3 tonnes of furniture and household goods that were taken to the site have been donated to Newstart for reuse.



21 Apr 2006