Lochaber economy on agenda for first joint Lochaber Partnership / Ward Forum meeting

The Lochaber economy will be the main item on the first joint meeting of the Lochaber Partnership (Lochaber’s community planning partnership) with the two Highland Council Lochaber Ward Fora.

The meeting will involve a wide range of partnerships which relate to the local economy in addition to representatives of community councils as well as the seven Lochaber Councillors.  The meeting, which is being held on Monday 23 March from 6pm – 8pm in the Council Chambers, will be open to the public.

Lochaber Partnership Chairman, Councillor Bren Gormley said: “This is the first meeting in this format and reflects the changing Lochaber Partnership, which will now concentrate on themes that reflect the Scottish Government’s five objectives.  Given the current economic climate, we all feel that this is the most appropriate topic for discussion at this time.”

The meeting will hear from representatives of Highland and Islands Enterprise, JobCentre Plus, Skills Development Scotland and Voluntary Action Lochaber and it is hoped that local issues and priorities will be identified which will be worked into a detailed action plan.

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17 Mar 2009