Skye and Lochalsh Path Consultation

People in Skye and Lochalsh are being given the chance to have their say on the production of a Path Plan which will provide a system of paths giving reasonable public access in their area.

Under the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003, The Highland Council, as the access authority, has a statutory requirement to produce a Core Path Network Plan for the whole of the Highland Area within three years of this legislation coming into effect.

The Council’s Planning and Development Service is currently consulting with the public on the development of a Core Path Network Plan.

To allow people to have their say, a series of community drop-in sessions has commenced

in Skye & Lochalsh in conjunction with the Local Plan Exhibition. Anyone attending the drop-in sessions will have a chance to meet with Highland Council’s Skye & Lochalsh Access Officer Donald Kennedy.

Anyone unable to attend the drop in sessions can record their opinions by completing a questionnaire on the Council’s website which asks people a number of questions including how frequently they have used a number of selected paths on Skye and Lochlash and the types of outdoor recreational activity they participate in on these routes. Remaining drop-in sessions will take place from 4-6.30 pm at:

For further information or details of the consultation programme contact Donald Kennedy, Skye & Lochalsh Access Officer at Highland Council, Old Corry Industrial Estate, Broadford, IV49 9AB or by phone on (01471) 820392 or e-mail:

20 Apr 2006