Tain CCTV Review

Residents in Tain are reminded that they only have until next Tuesday (12 May) to comment on proposals to improve the town’s CCTV system.  

Amongst the options for improvements is a proposal to move one of the cameras to cover a different area of the town.  It is being suggested that the camera on the corner of Geanies Street and Stafford Street is relocated further along Stafford Street on its junction with Shandwick Street to allow coverage of the St Duthac Centre, the Filling Station and an entrance to a local school.

Councillor Alasdair Rhind, who lives in Tain, encouraged residents and businesses to let the Council know what they think of the proposals.

“There are a few suggestions on the table for residents to comment on, so it is important that people make their views known at this stage,” he said.

“The Police have suggested moving one of the cameras may better serve the wider Community Safety of Tain, but to allow this to happen we need the support of residents in the area.  The occupiers of those premises that will lose out may have something to say about it too, so now is the time to make your views known.”

“Other suggested improvements put forward are changes to the cabling, cameras and lighting.  Budgets do not allow for all improvements suggested to be made so the community is being asked to show their preference,” he added.

The Highland Council and Northern Constabulary have been working in partnership to look at options for improving the current CCTV system in Tain. The community’s views will be put forward as part of a report to the Highland Council’s Resources Committee later in the year for final consideration.

The Tain CCTV system was originally installed in 2003 following a successful funding bid by the Tain Initiative Group.  The system aims to help prevent and detect crime and anti-social behaviour; to create a safe environment for the public by attempting to reduce crime and the fear of crime; and to provide high quality evidence to the Police if crime occurs.

More information on the consultation can be found on The Highland Council web site at http://www.highland.gov.uk/yourcouncil/yourward/ward08/wardforum/,
at the Tain Service Point or at the Tain Police Station.  Local residents and businesses are invited to comment on the options by Tuesday 12 May 2009 using the feedback form provided.

5 May 2009