Make your mark in “Register to Vote Week”.

People in the Highlands could be missing out on their right to vote in the  European Parliamentary elections without even knowing it, according to Douglas Gillespie, Electoral Registration Officer for the Highland and Western Isles area.

During Register to Vote Week (4-10 May), Mr Gillespie is helping the Electoral Commission to make sure that nothing comes between residents and their right to vote on Thursday 4 June.

The public need to register to vote no later than Tuesday 19 May. Without being registered, they cannot vote.

Mr Gillespie said: “We want to make sure that no-one misses out on their right to take part in these elections because they aren’t registered to vote. Some people think that they are automatically registered once they pay council tax, but that isn’t the case.”

Anyone not sure whether they are on the electoral register or would like to be sent a registration form should telephone 0800 393783 or visit, where they can download a form. 

Tuesday 19 May is also the deadline to apply for a postal vote and cancel or request changes to an existing postal vote.

Andy O’Neill, Head of the Electoral Commission’s Scotland office, adds:  “Registering to vote is important because it means you can have a say on the issues that affect you, from the environment to international trade and transport. Even if you’re not sure whether you will vote, registering gives you the choice to do so if you do become inspired by an issue or party.”

For further information contact: Douglas Gillespie, Assessor and ERO, on 01463 703311

5 May 2009