Highland Council local transport strategy

Locals are being invited to have their say at a City Wide Forum to discuss the development of the Highland Council Local Transport Strategy on Monday 18th May at 7:30pm in the Town House.

Chairman of The Highland Council’s Inverness City Committee Provost Jimmy Gray who will be chairing the meeting said: “Aligned with the fact that Inverness is the Highland capital it is also the transport hub, gateway to the north and roads to the Isles. Transport has always been a critical issue for consideration and I would invite anyone who has an interest in transport related matters concerning Inverness to attend the meeting and make their thoughts known.”

The Local Transport Strategy will cover a three year period and guide the Council’s transport decision making beyond this. The strategy will cover all modes of transport and will contain analysis of current trends and issues, objectives for transport, policies and an action plan along with targets and methods of monitoring the success of the Strategy.

Set within regional, national and European contexts, the strategy will highlight the roles of the various stakeholders in taking forward the development of a safe, integrated and accessible transport system which will enable sustainable economic growth for the Highlands.  A document will be developed taking into account the Council’s Highland-wide Local Development Plan.

There will be a presentation at the meeting to illustrate the proposed content and form of the Local Transport Strategy.  This will be followed by a question and answer discussion session and comments made by attendees will be noted for consideration in preparing the draft strategy.

The Draft Local Transport Strategy will be taken to the Council’s Transport, Environmental and Community Services Committee for approval and thereafter there will be a full round of consultation on the draft document leading to the completed Local Transport Strategy by the end of 2009.

14 May 2009