Having your say on the future of Highland

The consultation on the Main Issues Report for the Highland wide Local Development Plan is coming to an end on the 9th of November 2009.

The consultation was formally launched in Wick on the 31st August 2009 and since then the Development Plans Team has been working to encourage feedback on the Main Issues Report, draft Local Transport, Housing and Coastal Development Strategies. The team have attended and hosted over 50 information days, ward forums and other meetings with specific groups. They  have informed over 1300 individuals and groups that are on the Council’s  consultation database, distributed more than 800 Main Issues Reports to interested parties and advertised in a number of local publications. Young people have also had a chance to have their say through the “Keep us in the Picture” competition and through on going involvement of Highland Youth Voice.

The Highland wide Local Development Plan Blog has been used to let people know about upcoming events and provide summaries of feedback received at these events. The blog has been visited by people from across the area and has been a welcomed as a way in which to quickly update people on the production of the Highland wide Local Development Plan. You can view the blog at http://hwldp.blogspot.com/.

Following the close of the consultation the Development Plans Team will take into consideration all responses to the Main Issues Report before producing the proposed plan which will be published in the new year. There will be a chance to have your say on the proposed plan with a consultation planned to last at least 6 weeks.

Development Plans Manager Malcolm MacLeod said:  “We would encourage people from right across the Highland area to give us feedback on the Main Issues Report. If you or your group don’t think you will be able to meet the deadline of the 9th November, please still try and get us any feedback you may have by the end of November so we can carefully consider it before we start work on the proposed plan stage of the Highland wide Local Development.”

The Main Issues Report is available to view in 79 locations (including all libraries and service points) across Highland and on the website at /developmentplans, here you can also view information about the “Keep us in the Picture” competition and how you can respond to the consultation. If you have any questions please contact the Development Plans Team on 01463 702261 or devplans@highland.gov.uk.

3 Nov 2009