Big turn out for opening event of Inverness winter festival

The 2009 Inverness Winter Festival opened in spectacular fashion with an estimated 12,000 visitors to Blackbeard’s Haunted Ness Islands Show on Friday 30 and Saturday 31 October.

More than 120 performers from across the Highlands gathered together to create one of the largest outdoor theatrical performances staged in the Highlands.  A 1,300 metre circuit through the Inverness beauty spot was illuminated by Evanton-based Arts in Motion and Tthe Highland Council’s Lighting Department.

Councillor Roy Pedersen, Chairman of the Inverness Festival’s Steering Group, said: “With more than 2,000 of our visitors arriving in a variety of costumes to help us create one of Scotland’s finest ever Halloween parties, we are absolutely delighted with the way that our first major family Halloween party has gone. The feedback that we have received from the public has been absolutely tremendous and I would like to thank everybody who came to see the show for joining in the fun so enthusiastically. It appears we have invented a Highland version of the Rocky Horror Show.”

3 Nov 2009