Positive report by inspectors for Farr High School

In an HMIe inspection of Farr High School the following key strengths were identified in a report published this week (2nd November 2009):
• the range and quality of young people’s achievements; and
• the inclusive approach to supporting the learning of those with additional support needs.

Her Majesty’s Inspectors also identified the impact of the successful Young Enterprise group in developing young people’s confidence and business and communication skills as being an example of good practice and national significance.

In the report the inspectors judged that the key aspects of the work of the school represented satisfactory practice or better. They recognised the quality learning and teaching practice in the English and Mathematics departments. They found that most young people enjoyed their learning and that the school supported pupils to achieve success in a range of areas including national examinations. They noted that the school had been effective in ensuring that almost all young people leaving school entered employment or further or higher education.

They commented on the fact that young people of all ages have been able to benefit from opportunities to learn through fieldwork, educational trips, work experience and outdoor education. They also noted that the school works very effectively with a number of community partners and other agencies to enhance young people’s learning.

The inspectors recognised the work of the head teacher in establishing very positive relationships with the local community. They also recognised the effective work of the extended management team in the day-to-day running of the school.

A number of recommendations for the school were made by the inspectors which included: the need to ensure consistently high-quality learning experiences for all young people; to improve the quality of the curriculum; to involve the whole school community in evaluating the school’s work; and to improve aspects of the effectiveness of senior management. They are confident that, with the continuing support from the education authority, the school will be able to make these necessary improvements and will make no more visits in connection with this inspection.

Commenting on the report Head Teacher, Jim Johnston said: “I am pleased that many of the distinctive features of the school have been recognised in the report, including our long-term commitment to outdoor pursuits, extra-curricular activities and engagement with the wider world.  Also, the excellent work being done in, among others, our maths and English departments, has been given a positive mention.  The HMIe visit, which was an invigorating experience for the school, has also provided us with a number of pointers for school improvement.  We look forward to tackling these together with our partners in the school community, particularly the parent body, with whom we will be seeking increased interaction in future in order to further the interests of our pupils.”

Councillor Bill Fernie, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee said: “I am delighted that HMIe recognised the quality of the ongoing work being done in Farr High School.  The report is very positive in many areas and highlights the first- rate work in core departments such as Maths and English in particular.  In addition Farr High school can be justifiably proud of the very diverse range of opportunities available to the young people in the Bettyhill area.  This menu of activities will provide the young people with ample opportunity to develop their personal confidence and team building skills in real life situations.  As with every report, the school has agreed a number of action points to address some areas of development.  I remain confident that the school community will address these successfully and take Farr High School from strength to strength.”


3 Nov 2009