Roadworks on A855 Portree to Staffin Road

Motorists are being advised that The Highland Council is carrying out Phase 2 of the works between Portree and Loch Fada on the A855 Staffin road to improve the carriageway to twin track width.

To carry out these works adjacent to the existing road, temporary road closures will take place:

• on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 11:15am to 12:45pm, and 1:30pm to 4pm from 16th November 2009 until 18th December 2009 and then from 4th January 2010 until 5th March 2010; and
• on Saturday 28th November 2009 and Saturday 30th January 2010 between the hours of 9:30am and 4:30pm.

Southbound traffic will be stopped at Loch Fada, and northbound traffic will be stopped at the Torvaig junction. Vehicular access will be permitted as far as Torvaig from Portree during the closures. Staffin traffic may use an alternative route via the A87 Uig road. This alternative is not suitable for Heavy Good Vehicles.

The Highland Council would like to thank the A855 road users for their cooperation and patience, and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

3 Nov 2009