Positive report by inspectors for Bridgend Primary School

In an HMIe inspection of Bridgend Primary and Nursery, the following key strengths were identified:

• the head teacher and depute’s leadership of improvement;
• improvements in attainment in reading, writing and mathematics;
• the strong, caring ethos and positive relationships among staff, parents and children; and
• children who work collaboratively and responsibly.

Her Majesty’s Inspectors stated that pupils at the primary stages were achieving success in their learning and as a result, attainment in reading, writing and mathematics had improved consistently over recent years.
They found that staff have high expectations for children’s attendance, behaviour and progress and, as a result, children enjoy school and succeed in their learning.

Inspectors noted that senior staff had provided strong direction and leadership of improvement. They know the school well and ensure that staff work effectively together to improve the school. The school also works well with parents to support children’s learning.

A number of recommendations were also made by the inspectors for the school which include: the need to ensure improvement in the quality of children’s learning experiences and performance in the nursery class; to continue to improve provision for meeting children’s needs by sharing good practice more consistently across nursery and primary classes; and to develop the curriculum in line with the principles of Curriculum for Excellence. The inspectors are confident that the school will continue to improve through building on existing good practice and they therefore will make no further visits in connection with this inspection.
Commenting on the report Head Teacher, Ewan Scott said: “I am pleased with the report as it truly reflects the hard work and commitment of the children and staff and the support we receive from our parents and the community at large.”
Bill Fernie, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee said: “I am delighted to read such a positive and well deserved report on Bridgend Primary School.  The inspectors’ findings reflect the hard work and commitment of every member of the Bridgend community - staff, parents and pupils.”

4 Nov 2009