Inverness pupils plant path for all

To celebrate the construction of an accessible path to Muirtown Primary School – Primary 1 pupils along with local Highland Councillors Alex Graham, Alasdair Christie and Pauline Munro will be planting fruit trees and bulbs around the new path.

The £34,500 path, which was funded by the Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Service capital programme, was constructed over the summer and will enable wheelchair and pram access to the school.

Muirtown Primary School Parent Council had requested, through the Council’s Inverness West Ward Forum, that an all abilities entrance to be installed at the school, as the previous stepped entrance was inaccessible to people with prams and wheelchairs.

Gary Davies, Parent Council Chairman said: “It’s fantastic that the school now has easy access for all and it is an improvement which will benefit the community for years. Many thanks to the Council for their support with this project.”

Head Teacher, Fiona Neilson said: “We are all delighted with the new path, which is a huge improvement on the crumbling steps that existed before. The pupils are planting daffodil bulbs and apple, pear and plum trees. Hopefully we will have a lovely show of colour in the Spring and in future years to come around the path.”

Local Highland Councillors for Inverness West Ward Alex Graham, Alasdair Christie and Pauline Munro said: “It’s great to see safer and better access at the school after years of waiting.”

4 Nov 2009