Public asked for views on measures to combat Kessock Bridge delays caused by resurfacing

The public are being invited to comment on the best ways to ease disruption that will result from the introduction of single-lane traffic movement on the Kessock Bridge to accommodate resurfacing work, expected in 2011.

Members of The Highland Council’s Black Isle Ward are holding a forum next week on Thursday 12 November from 6 to 8 pm at Culbokie Primary School.

The four Black Isle councillors – David Alston, Bill Barclay, Isobel McCallum and Craig Fraser - are eager that the public get involved in discussing measures which best will cope with the disruption of restricted movement across the bridge.

The work will be carried out by Scotland Transerv on behalf of Transport Scotland.

Speaking at the Ward Forum from Scotland TranServ will be Calum Galloway, Bridges Manage and Ian Ross, Technical Director along with Sam MacNaughton, The Highland Council’s Head of Transport and Infrastructure. They will be on hand to present to the Forum and to listen to peoples’ views and ideas on best ways to ease disruption and look to leaving a legacy of better transport infrastructure for the future. 

Councillor David Alston who will chair the meeting said: “When the Black Isle Members were advised of the necessary Kessock Bridge resurfacing we were all eager that the public got involved in discussing measures on how to best cope with the disruptions. We are keen to see positive outcomes in the exercise and believe a legacy might be that more people in the future make greater use of public transport and car sharing.”

Members of the public are all welcome to come along and will have an opportunity to join in discussions. 

Anyone requiring further information about the Black Isle Ward Forum; who would like to submit questions in advance of the meeting; or have any special requirements / needs to help them take part should contact Ward Manager Diane Agnew on tel: 01349 868477 or e-mail:


5 Nov 2009