Tribute to memory of Caithness teacher

The Head Teacher of Watten Primary School, Linsey MacKay, has paid tribute to teacher, Miss Laura Lawson, who died suddenly earlier this week.

Miss Lawson was the Primary 3-4 teacher at the 50-pupil school.

Ms MacKay said: “Though Miss Lawson had only been with us at Watten School for a short time, she quickly established an effective working relationship with staff and pupils alike. She was interested in each child as an individual and always made time to listen to them when they had something they wished to share or discuss.  She was thoughtful and caring and always had the best interests of her pupils at heart.  Miss Lawson was constantly striving to motivate, engage, challenge and encourage her pupils. She was always willing to act on advice and seek out new approaches.  She was a super teacher whom her pupils adored.  They will miss her greatly.

“Miss Lawson was a friendly and caring person who was a highly valued member of our staff team.  Whilst at Watten School she worked closely with all of our staff and was always professional in her approach.  She brought many useful ideas to school which we all greatly appreciated and being so recently trained we really valued her input during staff discussions.

“Staff at school will miss Miss Lawson’s sunny smile, her friendship, her enthusiasm and her good humour. At this difficult time we are focusing on the happy memories we have of our time with Miss Lawson to provide some comfort. Our sympathies are extended to Miss Lawson’s family at the loss of their daughter.”

The school will be holding a special assembly soon to remember Miss Lawson.

5 Nov 2009