Positive Follow through report by Inspectors for Farr Primary School

In an HMIe follow through inspection of Farr Primary and Nursery, it was noted that the school had improved aspects of its work since the original inspection in September 2008.  The following key strengths were identified:
• The team work amongst staff which has resulted in improvements in the curriculum.
• The development of personal learning planning which enables children to take more responsibility for their learning.
• Improved communication with parents.

In this report the Inspectors noted that the school’s curriculum has improved and, as a result, most children across the school and nursery are now more motivated and enthusiastic about their work and that they have more choice in their learning. Staff have higher expectations of children’s achievements and behaviour and use assessment information more effectively to monitor children’s progress and to provide focused support. As a result, pupils’ progress in English language and mathematics has improved.

They also noted that the school had been effective in engaging and communicating with parents to support learning. Staff and pupils are increasingly involved in finding and implementing ways to improve the school. 

The inspectors recognised the work of the acting headteacher in ensuring school improvements, particularly in improving self-evaluation. They also noted that the newly appointed headteacher had a clear vision for the school and that she had made a promising start to securing further improvements. As she had only been in  post for a very limited period prior to their visit, inspectors felt that her work has not yet had time to have significant impact and that they therefore would make a further visit to the school in one year’s time.

Commenting on the report Mrs Cath Rigby, Head Teacher, said: “I am delighted that the HMIe found the school making such good progress. It is exciting times for Farr Primary as we build on the improvements over the coming year. We are clear on our outcomes of success and achievement and look forward to showing the impact our good practice will make. Thanks to my hard working team.”

Bill Fernie, chair of the Education, Culture and Sport Committee, also stated that: “I am delighted that HMIe have recognised the existing good work in the school and have acknowledged the capacity for the school to move forward and address the areas for further improvement.”


10 Nov 2009