Home Composting in the Highlands

This year sees the fifth birthday of the WRAP Home Composting Scheme in Scotland, and thanks to householders all over the country it has been a roaring success. Since 2004 over 230,000 subsidised compost bins have been distributed.  In Highland residents have played a leading role in making the scheme such a success by ordering and using nearly 23,447 compost bins in the last 4 years.

The Highland Council is helping to lead the way in Scotland on measures to help residents prevent and reduce waste, and home composting is one of the best ways to do that.

Marina Fraser, the local WRAP home composting expert and Waste Reduction Adviser said: “Home composting is a simple and easy process that everyone can do, regardless of the size of their garden. Our compost bins are heavily subsidised and come in a range of sizes, so there is something for everyone.”

Composting at home means that a huge amount of garden and household waste is diverted from landfill, and the simple process also means that your garden can benefit from a product that can be used as a free soil conditioner and potting mix. Autumn is a busy time for gardeners, so is therefore an especially busy time for compost bins. Garden waste from the final lawn cut and deadheading can go straight into your compost bin, along with fallen leaves. This organic material will rot down and give you a fresh compost that can be used on your garden next year.

Too many leaves can choke a compost bin and slow the process down, so why not think about making leaf mould? Simply gather up excess leaves into a bin bag, pour some water in, make a few holes in the bag and set aside in an out of the way spot. If you open it up after a year you will find a great mulch that can be spread over the soil, and if you leave it for two years you’ll find a lovely, rich, crumbly loam that will be a perfect soil conditioner.

For really good compost you need a 50/50 mix of ‘green’ materials like grass clippings and fruit and vegetable peelings, and ‘brown’ materials like autumn leaves and scrunched up or shredded paper and cardboard. If you think that your bin might be too dry, don’t be afraid to add some water every now and again.

To see the range of bins on offer, for support and information and to order your bin, visit www.wasteawarescotland.org.uk.

Marina added:  “From everyone at WRAP, thank you to all those residents in the Highlands who have helped make the campaign a success. Here’s to five more years of happy composting!”

For more information on composting, recycling or waste minimisation, visit /yourenvironment/wastemanagement, email recycle@highland.gov.uk or telephone 01349 868439.


10 Nov 2009