Inverness community benefits from new play park

Local Highland Councillors and community councillors are celebrating this week the installation of new facilities at a public play park in the Castle Heather Park area of Inverness.

Members of The Highland Council’s Inverness Ness-side Ward will meet community council representatives for Hilton, Milton and Castle Heather Community Council today (Tuesday 10th November at 2pm) to view the facilities at the newly completed play area.

Development of the play area involved installation of new play equipment aimed at younger children, re-surfacing of the play area and the installation of a picnic bench. The majority of the £39,000 funding for the project was provided by the Council’s Inverness Ness-side Ward discretionary budget (£34,000) and the remainder from the Community Council and Green Inverness.

Councillor Norrie Donald said: “I congratulate Hilton, Milton and Castle Heather Community Council on the work they have put into this project, one of many which they are involved in.”

Councillor John Finnie said: “This is a great example of what can be achieved by active Community Councils, and the good work of all involved is to be applauded, as the outcome is greatly improved play facilities for everyone.”

Councillor David Henderson said: “This project highlights the importance of partnership working with local communities and is an excellent example of how the Council’s Ward discretionary budgets can galvanise local initiatives and funding to get things done.”

Councillor Fraser Parr said: “This is an overdue upgrade of the play park facilities which will enhance this excellent recreational area in Hilton. Fundraiser Jess MacLennan has put a great deal of time and effort into raising the cash to enable this to go ahead and she deserves credit for that endeavour. With the pond, green space and new equipment it provides an attractive area to bring all the family.”
New facilities included in the development of a toddler area include: a turnstile spinning pole, cradle swings, dinosaurs’ domain multiplay unit, donkey springer and faithful friends’ springer.

Jean Slater, Chairperson of Hilton, Milton and Castle Heather Community Council said: “For parents and carers of young children this is a much needed facility in our local area where they can play safely in the outdoors. On behalf of the community council I would like to thank Highland Council for the Ness-side Ward discretionary funding which has supported all our efforts in the community.”

This project supports the Council’s Highland Play Strategy and Programme for Administration which gives a high priority to Highland’s children being healthy and active.

10 Nov 2009