Fort William Waterfront Consultation Underway

Public consultation for the Fort William Waterfront Development gets underway in two weeks time, with the first formal consultation meeting being held on Thursday 26 November 2009 in the Council Chambers, Lochaber House, Fort William.

There will be two sessions – an afternoon session from 3pm until 5.30pm, when the public will be able to come in and view a variety of materials and an evening meeting which will be held from 6.30pm until 8.30pm.  The Initial Design Statement, consultation statement, plans and website will all be on view and in addition, representatives of FWWL will be present for information and discussion.

Charlie Barbour, on behalf of Fort William Waterfront Limited, said:  “We are pleased that progress continues to be made with this ambitious project. We look forward to working closely with the people of Fort William, and the wider Lochaber area, to ensure that the completed development meets the aspirations of the local community in terms of job opportunities, recreational facilities and economic prosperity.”

Dot Ferguson, The Highland Council’s Lochaber Wards Manager, said: “We are delighted to see this consultation underway and hope that as many people as possible will become involved.  A wide range of groups and sectors will be consulted directly and with meetings and displays also taking place in the rural areas, everyone will have an opportunity to make their views known. This is an exciting opportunity for Fort William and it is vital that everyone has their say.”

11 Nov 2009