Rum Primary School

In an HMIe report on the five-pupil Rum Primary School, Lochaber, a range of strengths were identified. The primary school was commended for:

In this report, the Inspectors judged that most aspects of the work of the school represented good practice. They recognised the good performance in English language and mathematics and the good quality of teaching.

The Inspectors also made a number of recommendations for the school which included further improving the curriculum to extend pupils’ learning. The school was also asked to improve procedures for assessment, self-evaluation and further raise attainment.

The school accommodation and facilities were judged to be fair and the school and authority have been asked to address accommodation issues relating to staff facilities and playground improvements.

Commenting on the report, Stuart Poole, Head Teacher said: "I am very pleased with the report and I feel they reflect the positive ethos of the school, the opportunities we provide for all children to achieve, positive teamwork and partnership with the parents and community and our commitment to improving the school. Our thanks go to the children, parents and the wider community for their support during the inspection. My personal thanks go to all those who work together to make the best provision for the children in Rum Primary. We have already begun to address the issues raised in the report with the continuing support of everyone connected with the school."

Councillor for the Small Isles area, Charles King, said: "I am delighted to see Rum Primary School getting such a good report and I congratulate all staff, pupils and parents."

Edward Hawan, chairperson of the School Board, said: "On behalf of the Rum School Board and parents we see this report of the latest inspection as a positive step forward for our small and remote school. We believe that we will, with our new head teacher, develop and advance this establishment for the betterment of the children who have this exceptional opportunity to be taught in such a special environment."


21 Apr 2006