Council tenants converge on Inverness for conference

Around 100 Highland Council tenants are meeting in Inverness this weekend (Saturday 21 November) to attend the first Highland Tenants’ Conference.

The aim of the conference titled: “Your home; your community; your conference!” is to involve and engage more tenants in the future management and decision-making of their own homes.

Councillor Robbie Rowantree, Vice Chairman of The Highland Council’s Housing and Social Work Committee who will chair the conference at Council headquarters said: “It is very encouraging to see so many people willing to make a difference to their own communities. By working together in a continuous dialogue hopefully we can improve the quality of life of all our tenants.”

The programme for the conference will cover a variety of topics including: the launch of a new website for tenants' groups “Highland Tenant Voice”; the introduction to a new tenant participation strategy; and success stories from established tenants’ and residents’ associations.

Delegates will also participate in three breakout discussion sessions throughout the day discussing six additional topics including: rents in 2010 to 2011; tenant led inspections; tenant area panels; involving young tenants; saving energy and money; and keeping homes and communities safer.

The conference which is free to participating tenants has been organised by The Highland Council’s Housing and Property Service with participating organisations including the Tenant Participation Advisory Service; Northern Constabulary; and over 20 resident and tenant associations from throughout the Highlands.


16 Nov 2009