Highland young musicians shine

Photos from the Gala Showcase

The two days of musical events at Eden Court Theatre held over the weekend to commemorate 21 years of Highland Regional Music Groups was a great success and a fitting tribute to the musical talent and abilities of over 320 young people and their tutors.

21 years ago saw the formation of Highland Regional Youth Orchestra and whilst this group was the mainstay of provision until recently, there are now seven Regional Music Groups run by The Highland Council as an extension to the work of the Instrumental Tuition Service.  The groups are: Highland Regional Youth Orchestra; Highland Schools Wind Band; Highland Youth Strings Orchestra; Highland Youth Big Band; ‘Snas ceilidh band; Highland Youth Pipe Band and Còisir G (Gaelic Choir).

The weekend celebrations culminated in a sell-out performance on Saturday night held in the Empire Theatre which saw all seven musical groups take to the stage to the delight of the large audience.
Convener of The Highland Council, Councillor Sandy Park said ““All the performers have shown dedication and loyalty and are a credit to themselves, their schools and their families.  It is due to their commitment and the support of parents and all the staff involved with the Regional Music Groups that such an ambitious weekend of musical events could take place.  I thoroughlu enjoyed the evening and would like to thank all the young people and every one involved for making it such a special occasion.”



16 Nov 2009