Research confirms new ways of working in Highland demonstrate real benefits for children

The Highland Council and NHS Highland have welcomed the publication of research undertaken by Edinburgh University for the Scottish Government, confirming that new ways of working in Highland have demonstrated real benefits for children.
Getting it right for every child is Scotland’s reform programme for children’s services.  Highland is the first authority to implement the programme across education, health, social work, police and voluntary sector organisations.  It has involved a new shared assessment model, streamlined systems of working, and a lead professional to co-ordinate a single plan for all children with additional support needs.  These include children who may be at risk of harm, looked after children and children with disabilities.
The research took place at a very early stage in the implementation, but it identifies that significant improvements have already taken place:

Minister for Children and Early Years, Adam Ingram said: “The Getting it right project in Highland, launched with the support of the Scottish Government, has given staff and managers an opportunity to develop and test out a new way of supporting children. It is based on an approach which places children’s needs first, ensures they are listened to and that they understand decisions which affect them. It also means they get more co-ordinated help for their health, well-being and development.
“This report shows that this approach is delivering results for many children and that local agencies are working more effectively together to meet their needs. It will have a real impact on those facing the greatest social and health inequalities and encourage earlier intervention by professionals in a child’s early years to allow small issues to be addressed before they develop into major problems and require crisis interventions.  I want to thank everyone in Highland who worked hard to develop and implement Getting it right.”

Pam Courcha, Chair of Highland’s Joint Committee on Children and Young People said: “This research demonstrates that the outcomes of children with additional support needs are improved by a consistent and co-ordinated approach.  That is a simple message, but it has been a major programme to implement.  It is a great achievement.  We still have much to do, but we can now be clear that Getting it right is making a real and positive difference in the lives of children and families.”  

 Councillor Margaret Davidson, Vice-chair of the Joint Committee, and Chair of the Council’s Housing and Social Work Committee said: “We have introduced these changes across all of children’s services.   The research is very welcome.  It is good news for children and families.  It is also very good news for all those staff across all agencies that have led this programme. The Highland Council and NHS Highland join the Scottish Government in saying ‘well done’ and ‘thank you’, for leading this critical change programme for all of Scotland’s children.”
Harriet Dempster, Highland’s Director of Social Work said: “These are early days and these are only green shoot indicators but what is clear is that Getting it right is producing better outcomes for children and families.  It is reducing bureaucracy and creating more time for direct work.   Furthermore, in recognising the importance of partnership working, it demonstrates that when universal services are truly universal the experience and skills of social workers can be effectively targeted to those in greatest need, and support early intervention to prevent family break up.”

Bill Alexander, Chief Operating Officer, The Highland Council, who led the project as Head of Children’s Services for NHS Highland and The Highland Council, said:  “We have enjoyed a close partnership with the Scottish Government in the development and implementation of Getting it right for every child.  The programme builds on best practice, and introduces new and better ways of working and it is making a difference for children and families. Most children are already experiencing improved outcomes. Fewer children are being referred to the children’s reporter as needing compulsory measures.  Staff have more time to spend in direct work with families and are spending less time on report writing and other bureaucracy.  We have shown that Getting it right for every child can be delivered.  More importantly, we are starting to show that it works.”

23 Nov 2009